Time Management Resources
- "No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs," Dan Kennedy
- "Getting Things Done," David Allen
- "To Do … Doing … Done!" Snead & Wycoff
- "The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management," Hyrum W. Smith
The First Pillar: Focus, helps us define a reason to move forward. The Second Pillar: Discipline, is the tool we use to maintain integrity in the moment. But to create or sustain forward momentum, it takes more than just focus and discipline. It takes the ability to focus and the application of discipline over many days, weeks, months, or even years. It takes consistent action. It takes persistence.
And persistence creates habits.
Have you ever had trouble making a choice because you didn’t want to give anything up? I feel your pain.
Have you ever made a decision and then had trouble sticking with it? We’ve all been there.
Do you want to be able to make a decision and stick with it?
Read on for the Response-Able article, The 2nd PILLAR: DISCIPLINE – The Power of Choice.
Where is your focus? What are you trying to achieve? Without a set of clear written goals, it’s easy to lose focus and spend (waste?) your time and energy on the most urgent or “important” thing in front of you at any given moment.
The first of our three articles explains The 1st Pillar: FOCUS – The Power of Written Goals!
Pearls of wisdom.
And a little bit of fun stuff thrown in for good measure.
Please enjoy reading these as much as we enjoyed writing them (you’ll find them in the Blog).
We help small companies resolve their training and development challenges. We specialize in creating training for proprietary systems. We know how to talk ‘tech’ and English. Read more
What’s with the Name?
The name Response-Able Consulting reflects the idea that no matter what happens to us in life — we are Able to choose our Response. By owning that reality and by doing that effectively, we are responsible or response-able
Mind you, we can’t control WHAT happens to us. We can’t even control our brain’s own auto-response mechanism. We can—if we choose to—control HOW WE RESPOND to what happens to us. Big difference.
If you’re going to choose, why not make a more deliberate, intentional, meaningful choice?
What is Intention?
Intention has to do with setting a vision, a focus, or a goal and making conscious deliberate decisions that lead you closer to that goal.
Are you making decisions that generate the results you want? If not, what kind of life are you creating? Is it all work and no play? Are you successful but not happy? Is your life serving as an example or as a warning to others?
Make a decision to live deliberately, intentionally. Be response-able.
Call us today and start building your legacy.
Saint James, NY 11780
Office: 516-216-4233