| Response-Able Consulting NEWS-you-can-use-LETTER Coaching for Work | Business | Life Summer 2009 | | |

Welcome to our Summer 2009 NEWS-you-can-use-LETTER. This issue is all about stop, drop (what you’re doing) and check-in. And it’s about beginning a formal dialog within the community of this newsletter’s expanding readership (that’s you) to begin making the kinds of concrete positive changes in your work and lives you’ve been thinking of and perhaps not realizing (yet!). Let’s get started! ![]() |
| Coach’s Corner What’s Going On?!My sister, Nancy, recently got married and my brothers, my wife and a friend and I were “the band” for the reception party (we rocked!). One of my sister’s favorite songs is by 4 Non-Blondes and it’s called “What’s Up” or as we affectionately call it, “What’s Going On?” Given summer has recently arrived (in my neck of the world) and we’ve quietly slipped into July, now is a good time to be asking yourself, “What’s going on” — with your work, your career, your department (if you’re a manager), your business unit (if you’re a leader)… Taking time to step away from tactical decisions and check-in on your goals and strategies is critically valuable time. Stephen Covey calls it Quadrant 2 time. Some people think it’s a waste of time, sitting around and thinking. Let me ask you, if your actions were taking you off-track from your goals, wouldn’t you want to know sooner rather than later? Here’s a few more questions to think about for your mid-year review:![]() – What are your specific written goals and strategies? – How on- or off-track are you at this point? – What will you do to course correct, if necessary? – What other opportunities can you take advantage of or create? – Who will check your thinking? – Who will ask you the tough questions about your your plans? These are just a few of the questions you might ask yourself. The main thing is, are you heading in the right direction and how objective is your viewpoint? If you’re interested in finding out more about what it’s like to work with a professionally trained and certified coach, feel free to contact me with your questions by email or by phone, 516.216.4233, no strings attached. |
Ask the Coach! “Hey Paul, I’ve got this situation…” Each of us is faced with issues, questions, challenges, problems, opportunities, dilemmas… Some times, what we need is to step away from it all and clear a space to think through it–differently. That’s what this section is all about. There’s a notion that roughly 80% of what small business owners face are similar issues. The other 20% is specific to their industry, niche, or product. I believe the same is true of people, that 80% of what you deal with on a day-to-day basis is similar to what others are managing: money, health, relationships, family, hobbies, energy, friendships, living spaces, personal effectiveness. So one person’s question usually benefits many other people. This is where you can create that space and ask those questions AND it will remain completely confidential (no actual names will be used). So if there’s an issue or opportunity you’ve been wrestling with for longer than you care to admit, send it to me and we’ll address it in my Blog (for the sake of time) and present it in the next issue (for the benefit of our readers). |
| In the Professional Spotlight Midtown Networking GroupUsually, I use this space to recognize one very special colleague in my growing network. This issue, I’m recognizing a bunch of colleagues that make-up the Midtown Networking Group. Mind you, this is no ordinary networking group. This is a group of people totally committed to each other’s business success and focused on building long-term relationships. These are also not your typical “got a lead/get a lead” or “how many you got” networking meetings. We seek first to build a relationship, then to help build each other’s businesses. The group represents over two dozen non-competing professional categories. If you’re in need of a particular resource or are unhappy with a current vendor, check us out. You’ll probably find someone (or two or three) of value. |
Quotes On … Planning
“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now,” ~Alan Lakein “Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning,” ~Winston Churchill“Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan,” ~ Tom Landry “It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan,” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt “Have a plan. Follow the plan, and you’ll be surprised how successful you can be. Most people don’t have a plan. That’s why it’s easy to beat most folks,” ~ Paul ‘Bear’ Bryant![]()
“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable,” ~Dwight D. Eisenhower “A man who does not plan long ahead will find trouble at his door,” ~ Confucius “If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could better judge what to do, and how to do it,” ~ Abraham Lincoln “Would you tell me which way I ought to go from here?” asked Alice. “That depends a good deal on where you want to get,” said the Cat. “I really don’t care where,” replied Alice. “Then it doesn’t much matter which way you go,” said the Cat. ~ Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865) |
| | Response-Able Consulting uses a variety of brain-based coaching models to help successful businesspeople create the kind of business or work that supports achieving their life’s vision. By working with how your brain works, we can facilitate positive change and help you get from A to B more quickly. We typically distribute our NEWS-you-can-use-LETTER once each quarter. If there are issues keeping you awake at night, please share them with us and we’ll address them in future newsletters. I hope you found this issue useful. Sincerely,  Paul McGinniss, PCC SBL(R) MSHR Coaching for Work | Business | Life Response-Able Consulting Inc. ![]() |
| 50% off to First Five People in Jul, Aug & Sep | Want to take charge of things? Then it’s time get clear and create some certainty in your life. It’s time to (re)set some goals. Because I feel so strongly about the power of written goals, I’m offering a 50% discount to the first five people who contact me and request a 60-minute goal setting session in either Jul, Aug, or Sep 2009. This powerful goal setting session usually runs $150 but the first five people who ask for it in Jul, Aug, and Sep will get it for only $75! Why? Because I think everyone deserves to be happy and live a fulfilled life and I want to do my part to help make that happen. Use this coupon for yourself or give it to a colleague, client, customer, friend, family member — anyone you think is serious about being more successful, fulfilled, and satisfied with their life. For more information about Response-Able Consulting and our brain-based approach to coaching, visit our website. | Offer Expires: Sep 30, 2009 |