2009 Fall Newsletter

Response-Able Consulting NEWS-you-can-use-LETTER

Coaching for Work | Business | Life Fall 2009

What’s News…
:: Coach’s Corner
:: Ask the Coach!
:: In the Professional Spotlight
:: Quotes On…
Paul McGinniss Work Business Life Coach

Welcome to the Fall 2009 NEWS-you-can-use-LETTER.
I’ve always found that awareness is the first step toward creating change. So in this issue I offer a few key resources you can take advantage of to help you maximize your thinking and your results.

I guess knowledge really IS power.

Read on!

Coach’s Corner
“Your Brain at Work”

For those of you who have heard me speak about coaching, you know I use a unique brain-based approach that was created by Results Coaching Systems and its founder, David Rock.

Your Brain at Work book coverDavid is a powerhouse of a thinker and has released two new books this year. I bought both. The book I’m mentioning here is “Your Brain at Work.” It tells the story of “Emily” and “Paul” and allows us to travel inside their brains as they attempt to sort through the vast quantities of information they’re presented with, figure out how to prioritize it, organize it, and act on it. The book shows how it’s possible for Emily and Paul–and thus you the reader–not only to survive in today’s overwhelming work environment, but to succeed in it and still feel energized and accomplished at the end of the day.

Does that interest you? If yes, pick up this book. Why? Because I feel so strongly about the work David is doing and the promise it holds for us at work and, more importantly, in life, that I believe you need to and will benefit from reading it.

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Ask the Coach!
“Hey Paul, I’ve got this situation…”

Most of us wrestle with similar situations and questions. If you have a burning question or issue you want to resolve, send it to me and we’ll address it here.

Issue: I’m feeling overwhelmed and unfocused.

Coach: How clear are you about what it is you’re trying to accomplish or where you’re heading in life, at work, with your relationships, health, faith…? If you’re crystal clear, how connected are you emotionally to accomplishing these things? By when? How?

Most of the time, when we are unfocused or overwhelmed it’s because we have not clearly and specifically identified a significant emotional goal (or goals), which usually causes us to say “yes” to anything to fill that void. We’re busy, but not fulfilled. Saying “yes” to everything quickly fills our plate to overflowing. I like to say, there is no tool to help you get 12 pounds in a 10 pound bag. You’ve got to lose 2 pounds (or more!). Stepping back and identifying some truly inspiring goals is a way of clearing the plate and getting focused and back in control of your time.

Note: All identities remain completely confidential (no real names will be used).

Have an issue, ASK THE COACH!

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In the Professional Spotlight
Long Island Coaching Alliance

Usually, I use this space to recognize one very special colleague in my growing network. This issue, I’m spotlighting an event offered by the Long Island Coaching Alliance (LICA).

LICA-an International Coach Federation Chapter, serves Long Islanders and the coaches who serve them!
The Alliance is offering a powerful event, “How to Thrive in Today’s World” on Sunday, Nov 1 from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Farmingdale State College. The objective of this program is to provide resources and information to help you better navigate through these tough times.
Here’s what you’ll experience:

Keynote Address from Judy Martin of News 12 Long Island, Founder of WorkLifeNation.com and recipient of our Inspiration of the Year Award
Panel Discussion featuring:
– Rita Kohn Chingas, Senior Vice President, Dawn Taylor Associates, Inc.
– Jed Morey, Publisher, Long Island Press
– Siobhan M. Murphy, MCC, Founder and Past President, Long Island Coaching Alliance; and Chief Evolutionary Officer and Owner, Quest Coaching International
– Bernie Siegel, PCC, President, International Coach Federation-New York City; and Executive Development, Career Management Coach, and Strategist
Networking Opportunities for Attendees
Exhibition of New York’s Top Coaches
Smart people don’t give up – they go out and find the answers they need. If you’re looking for answers, you need to attend this event. I know I’ll be there!

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Quotes On …

“I think self-awareness is probably the most important thing towards being a champion.” ~Billie Jean King

“The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.” ~Nathaniel Branden

“Every human has four endowments- self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom… The power to choose, to respond, to change.” ~Stephen R. Covey

“The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.” ~M. Scott Peck

 “Know thyself.” ~Socrates

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Inspiring Goals
Half Price!

Are you exactly where you want to be?
If not, you need to start thinking and acting differently to change your results.
I know that can sound scary – so I have the tools and models to help you create change and take control in a powerful and fulfilling way.
Be one of the first five people in October, November, or December to request a 30-minute goal setting session and I’ll give you a 50% discount!
This powerful goal setting session usually runs $100 but the first five people who ask for it in each month will get it for only $50 — that’s a small investment with a big payoff!
Use this offer for yourself or send it to a colleague, client, customer, friend, family member — anyone you think is serious about being more successful, fulfilled, and satisfied with their work and life.
Feel free to call (516.216.4233) or email (paul@response-ableconsulting.com) to reserve YOUR goal setting session.
For more information about Response-Able Consulting and our brain-based approach to coaching, visit our website.

Offer Expires: December 31, 2009

Response-Able Consulting uses a variety of brain-based coaching models to help workplace and business leaders create the kind of results that support achieving their life’s work, vision, and purpose.
By working with how your brain works, we can facilitate positive change and help you get from where you are to where you want to be more quickly.
We typically distribute our NEWS-you-can-use-LETTER once each quarter. If there are issues keeping you awake at night, please share them with us and we’ll address them in future newsletters. I hope you found this issue useful.

Paul McGinniss, PCC SBL(R) MSHR

Coaching for Work | Business | Life
Response-Able Consulting Inc.

phone: 516.216.4233
Also, check out Divorce Coaching for Men: Surviving the Fog of Divorce, a one-of-a-kind Divorce Coaching Program for Men created by a man, for men.


Clearly Communicate Expectations

I must be easily amazed.

Two posts ago I wrote about how amazed I was at leaders who put up with poor performers. In this post, I want to express my amazement at how many leaders think their employees know what is expected of them.

Whenever I’m faced with an employee performance issue, the first question I ask a leader is, “Does the employee know what is expected of them?”

The answer is usually, “Of course!”

I then ask, “Have you specifically communicated that expectation to the employee?”

The reply is usually, “They should know that!”

Let’s be frank here, employees are not mind readers (well, most are not). Unless you tell an employee in clear specific terms what you expect from them, you should expect a gap in performance.

What should be included when communicating your expectations? Think of the questions a reporter is trained to ask:

  • Who? Who is involved, who is doing what, who has authority or responsibility for the task.
  • What? what exactly do you expect in terms of an output or completed task. Include qualitative and quantitative measures. For qualitative measures, use a Lipert scale of expected output.
  • When? When should the task be completed, what is the deadline. Include milestone deliverables with dates AND times.
  • Where? Where should the employee turn for help, resources…
  • Why? You might forget this but it’s important to help tie the task to the larger departmental or organizational impact.
  • How? Leave this one to the employee, providing only required spending or other operational (or moral/ethical) guidelines. Give too much “how” and you become a micro-manager.

Before you take progressive or disciplinary action on an employee for poor performance, ask yourself, “Have I truly communicated my performance expectations in clear and specific terms?”

Then ask yourself, “Did I give them an opportunity to restate to me their understanding of and commitment to those expectations?”

If  you’re not sure of the answer to either of these questions, write down your expectations and schedule a meeting with the employee.

Perhaps the issue facing you is one of communication and not poor performance.

Why Are You Putting Up with Poor Performers?!?!

I’m simply amazed at leaders, managers and business owners who put up with poor performers (I’m not talking about you, of course).

Maybe I can reframe the situation and see if I can help those leaders think any differently about it.

Imagine it’s not a poor performer working for your company but instead a person, we’ll call him Henry*, dating your daughter (play along with me).

Would you allow Henry:

Read more

Enjoy Engage Extend

I tweeted recently about one way to look at (and create) happiness that employs three pieces:

1. Enjoyment – this has to do with pleasure and doing things we enjoy (eating chicken wings, watching a movie…)

2. Engagement – this involves doing what we’re good at; using our talents (singing, playing drums, making people laugh…)

3. Meaning – this is about reaching beyond ourselves and our own pleasure and fulfillment and sharing our gifts with our extended community (charity, volunteering, philanthropy…)

A personal example:

Read more

2009 Summer Newsletter


Response-Able Consulting                                                    NEWS-you-can-use-LETTER
  Coaching for Work | Business | Life                                                            Summer 2009

What’s News…
:: Coach’s Corner
:: Ask the Coach!
:: In the Professional Spotlight
:: Quotes On…
 Paul McGinniss Work Business Life Coach

Welcome to our Summer 2009 NEWS-you-can-use-LETTER.
This issue is all about stop, drop (what you’re doing) and check-in.
And it’s about beginning a formal dialog within the community of this newsletter’s expanding readership (that’s you) to begin making the kinds of concrete positive changes in your work and lives you’ve been thinking of and perhaps not realizing (yet!).
Let’s get started!

Coach’s Corner
What’s Going On?!

My sister, Nancy, recently got married and my brothers, my wife and a friend and I were “the band” for the reception party (we rocked!). One of my sister’s favorite songs is by 4 Non-Blondes and it’s called “What’s Up” or as we affectionately call it, “What’s Going On?”
Given summer has recently arrived (in my neck of the world) and we’ve quietly slipped into July, now is a good time to be asking yourself, “What’s going on” — with your work, your career, your department (if you’re a manager), your business unit (if you’re a leader)…
accountingTaking time to step away from tactical decisions and check-in on your goals and strategies is critically valuable time. Stephen Covey calls it Quadrant 2 time. Some people think it’s a waste of time, sitting around and thinking. Let me ask you, if your actions were taking you off-track from your goals, wouldn’t you want to know sooner rather than later? Here’s a few more questions to think about for your mid-year review:
– What are your specific written goals and strategies?

– How on- or off-track are you at this point?

– What will you do to course correct, if necessary?
– What other opportunities can you take advantage of or create?
– Who will check your thinking?
– Who will ask you the tough questions about your your plans?
These are just a few of the questions you might ask yourself. The main thing is, are you heading in the right direction and how objective is your viewpoint?
If you’re interested in finding out more about what it’s like to work with a professionally trained and certified coach, feel free to contact me with your questions by email or by phone, 516.216.4233, no strings attached.

Ask the Coach! 


“Hey Paul, I’ve got this situation…”

Each of us is faced with issues, questions, challenges, problems, opportunities, dilemmas… Some times, what we need is to step away from it all and clear a space to think through it–differently. That’s what this section is all about.
There’s a notion that roughly 80% of what small business owners face are similar issues. The other 20% is specific to their industry, niche, or product.
I believe the same is true of people, that 80% of what you deal with on a day-to-day basis is similar to what others are managing: money, health, relationships, family, hobbies, energy, friendships, living spaces, personal effectiveness. So one person’s question usually benefits many other people.
This is where you can create that space and ask those questions AND it will remain completely confidential (no actual names will be used).
So if there’s an issue or opportunity you’ve been wrestling with for longer than you care to admit, send it to me and we’ll address it in my Blog (for the sake of time) and present it in the next issue (for the benefit of our readers).
Go ahead, ASK THE COACH!


NYC SkylineIn the Professional Spotlight 
Midtown Networking Group

Usually, I use this space to recognize one very special colleague in my growing network. This issue, I’m recognizing a bunch of colleagues that make-up the Midtown Networking Group.
Mind you, this is no ordinary networking group. This is a group of people totally committed to each other’s business success and focused on building long-term relationships.
These are also not your typical “got a lead/get a lead” or “how many you got” networking meetings. We seek first to build a relationship, then to help build each other’s businesses.
The group represents over two dozen non-competing professional categories. If you’re in need of a particular resource or are unhappy with a current vendor, check us out. You’ll probably find someone (or two or three) of value.

Quotes On …


“Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now,” ~Alan Lakein

“Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning,” ~Winston Churchill

“Setting a goal is not the main thing. It is deciding how you will go about achieving it and staying with that plan,” ~ Tom Landry

“It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan,” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

figure at crossroads“Have a plan. Follow the plan, and you’ll be surprised how successful you can be. Most people don’t have a plan. That’s why it’s easy to beat most folks,” ~ Paul ‘Bear’ Bryant

“In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable,” ~Dwight D. Eisenhower

“A man who does not plan long ahead will find trouble at his door,” ~ Confucius

“If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could better judge what to do, and how to do it,” ~ Abraham Lincoln
“Would you tell me which way I ought to go from here?” asked Alice.
“That depends a good deal on where you want to get,” said the Cat.
“I really don’t care where,” replied Alice.
“Then it doesn’t much matter which way you go,” said the Cat.
~ Lewis Carroll, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland (1865)



Response-Able Consulting uses a variety of brain-based coaching models to help successful businesspeople create the kind of business or work that supports achieving their life’s vision.
By working with how your brain works, we can facilitate positive change and help you get from A to B more quickly.
We typically distribute our NEWS-you-can-use-LETTER once each quarter. If there are issues keeping you awake at night, please share them with us and we’ll address them in future newsletters. I hope you found this issue useful.

Paul McGinniss, PCC SBL(R) MSHR

Coaching for Work | Business | Life
Response-Able Consulting Inc.

phone: 516.216.4233
Also, check out Divorce Coaching 4 Men: Surviving the Fog of Divorce, a one-of-a-kind Divorce Coaching Program for Men created by a man, for men.

50% off to First Five People in Jul, Aug & Sep

Want to take charge of things?
Then it’s time get clear and create some certainty in your life. It’s time to (re)set some goals.
Because I feel so strongly about the power of written goals, I’m offering a 50% discount to the first five people who contact me and request a 60-minute goal setting session in either Jul, Aug, or Sep 2009.
This powerful goal setting session usually runs $150 but the first five people who ask for it in Jul, Aug, and Sep will get it for only $75!
Why? Because I think everyone deserves to be happy and live a fulfilled life and I want to do my part to help make that happen.
Use this coupon for yourself or give it to a colleague, client, customer, friend, family member — anyone you think is serious about being more successful, fulfilled, and satisfied with their life.
Feel free to call (516.216.4233) or email (paul@response-ableconsulting.com) me with any questions you might have.
For more information about Response-Able Consulting and our brain-based approach to coaching, visit our website.

Offer Expires: Sep 30, 2009
Safe Unsubscribe

This email was sent to paul@response-ableconsulting.com by paul@response-ableconsulting.com.

Response-Able Consulting | 527 Forest Ave | Massapequa | NY | 11758

2009 Spring Newsletter

Response-Able Consulting                              NEWS-you-can-use-LETTER

Coaching for Work | Business | Life Spring 2009

What’s News…
:: Coach’s Corner
:: Divorce Coaching 4 Men
:: In the Professional Spotlight
:: Quotes On…
Paul McGinniss Work Business Life CoachDear Paul,

Welcome to our Spring 2009 NEWS-you-can-use-LETTER.
This issue includes information to help you stay focused regardless of your circumstances. Let’s face it, there will always be something to challenge you, tempt you, stall you, derail you. And there will (almost) never be “the perfect time” for anything.
My hope is that by using the information in this issue, you will think new thoughts that create new actions that generate better results faster than if you simply applied your existing hardwiring.
Read on!

Coach’s Corner
Is It time for a Business Coach

accountingAn article appeared on a sales and marketing website asking, “Do you need a business coach when budgets are tight?”
You might expect a trite answer. Instead, the article presents the value of using a business coach and how it’s different than working with a business consultant and it offers 5 questions (though it says 6) to ask yourself to help make the decision.
Need more info about working with an executive business coach, check out the 2009 Sherpa Executive Coaching Survey.
Finally, I would say that working with a coach is sometimes the ONLY time a person gets to step out of their work and take a more objective look at what they’re doing and where’s it’s taking them. Clients are often surprised at the results they get by “creating a space” to work with a coach on a regular basis. Even small changes can create big results.
If you’re interested in finding out more about what it’s like to work with a coach, feel free to contact me with your questions by email or by phone, 516.216.4233, no strings attached.

Divorce Coaching for Men

Now, on its own!

Divorce Coaching 4 Men logoAs a reader of the quarterly News-you-can-use-letter, you know about my specialty divorce coaching program for men. Given it is such a unique program focused completely on a life coaching issue — helping men move more easily and quickly through the fog of divorce — I have decided to break out the program as a business in its own right and start a separate newsletter to directly serve this group of men. Trish, my new bride and creative director of Agapito Design Studio, has even created a new logo for the business (see above)!
What does this mean for you?! Two things.
1. If you know any men who are going into, through, or coming out of a divorce, please forward this newsletter to them so they can sign-up for the new Divorce Coaching 4 Men newsletter. It will have resources, tips, and suggestions to help men regain clarity and focus and start moving forward with their NewLife.
2. In place of DC4m in this newsletter will be a new section called “ASK THE COACH!“, where you can ask whatever questions you want and I’ll answer as many as I can in the next News-you-can-use-letter.
Go ahead, ASK THE COACH!

In the Professional Spotlight
Pamela Ross of Atlantic Human Resource Advisors

Atlantic HR Advisors logoPamela Ross is an experienced human resources expert, a successful business owner, and a very humble professional. She’s also the president of Atlantic Human Resource Advisors. Her company offers HR consulting and outsourcing services with a strong emphasis on labor and employment administration and compliance. Their unique approach is designed to meet the human resources needs of small- to medium-sized organizations, particularly those with limited in-house human resources capabilities.
Pam’s business reminds me of Stephen Covey’s Quadrant  II activities — not “urgent” but very important. As with all non-urgent but important activities, the danger in not acting is that when you need it most, it might be too late.
Don’t get yourself in a bind. Contact Pam now to discuss how she might be able to help you address your company’s need for an HR Compliance System, an HR Portal, a Company Handbook, Policy Review & Development, HR Advice-on-Demand, an HR Report Card, or any Custom or Specialty HR Issues you might have.
A conversation with Pam might just save you thousands of dollars and countless headaches.

Quotes On …

accounting“Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.” ~Edmund Burke

“Reflect upon your present blessings – of which every man has many – not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” ~Charles Dickens

“Seeing within changes one’s outer vision.” ~Joseph Chilton Pearce

“Only when the clamor of the outside world is silenced will you be able to hear the deeper vibration. Listen carefully.” ~Sarah Ban Breathnach
“By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection, which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third, by experience, which is the most bitter.” ~Confucius
“Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action.” ~Peter F. Drucker

“My role in society, or any artist’s or poet’s role, is to try and express what we all feel. Not to tell people how to feel. Not as a preacher, not as a leader, but as a reflection of us all.” ~John Lennon

Response-Able Consulting uses a variety of brain-based coaching models to help successful businesspeople create the kind of business or work that supports achieving their life’s vision.
By working with how your brain works, we can facilitate positive change and help you get from A to B more quickly.
We typically distribute our NEWS-you-can-use-LETTER once each quarter. If there are issues keeping you awake at night, please share them with us and we’ll address them in future newsletters. I hope you found this issue useful.

Paul McGinniss, ACC RCC SBL(R) MSHR

Coaching for Work | Business | Life
Response-Able Consulting Inc.
Divorce Coaching 4 Men

phone: 516.216.4233
Also, check out Divorce Coaching 4 Men: Surviving the Fog of Divorce, a one-of-a-kind Divorce Coaching Program for Men created by a man, for men.


Are you looking for answers???
As a coach, one of the primary benefits I can offer you is SPACE: space to STEP OUT of your busy life and do the IMPORTANT work of figuring out what you want your life to be about and creating a plan to get there.
In order to make it possible for as many people as possible to give coaching a test drive, I’m offering — for the entire year of 2009 — a Complimentary Coaching Consultation to any person looking to get focused and clear about their personal and professional journey.
Use this coupon for yourself or give it to a colleague, client, customer, friend, family member — anyone you think is serious about being more successful, fulfilled, and satisfied with their life.
Feel free to call (516.216.4233) or email (paul@response-ableconsulting.com) me with any questions you might have.
For more information about Response-Able Consulting and a brain-based approach to coaching, visit our website.

Offer Expires: December 31, 2009

Clarity about Coaching

Even though coaching has been around for many years (the first reference to coaching in the academic press was back in 1937), there still seems to be a lot of confusion involving “what is a coach” and “what does a coach do.” I thought I’d take some time to clarify that and to offer you some pointers about selecting a coach, if that’s something you think would help you reach your goals.

There are many definitions of coaching (and we’re not talking sports coaching here!). I use a simple definition: facilitating positive change in a client’s life. I think of it as helping you get from where you are to where you want to be more quickly and powerfully. I work with clients to help them think new thoughts, which (literally) creates new wiring, which generates new habits, which leads to new/better/long-lasting results.

When you work with a coach, you create a consistent level of accountability and stretch in your life that normally does not exist in any other relationship you have. The coaching relationship is also based on your agenda and your thinking (though some coaches act more like consultants or experts or mentors).

My particular method of coaching uses the latest findings in neuro-science to help me work with the way your brain works–and every person’s brain is completely unique and different.

In addition to the generic definition of coaching, there are many types of coaches. They fall into three primary categories and many sub-categories or niches. The main three are:

  • Life coaching
  • Business coaching
  • Executive coaching (sometimes called Workplace Coaching)

Read more

About Paul

Paul enjoyed a successful 20-year career in corporate America and currently serves as Master Facilitator for the NeuroLeadership Institute-North America (formerly Director, Training & Delivery-NA) and owns and operates Response-Able Consulting LLC.

During the course of his corporate career, he managed a 100+ rep service department for one of the nation’s top 10 newspapers and revamped a subsidiary’s service department; managed a multi-million dollar sales operation for the nation’s largest independent yellow pages publisher; created, from the ground up, a training department for Time Warner Book Group (now Hachette Book Group USA); and launched and managed the first employee “career” initiative as Director of (People) Development at Time Inc.

Paul is currently a leadership and human performance consultant, executive coach, and master facilitator and has a significant management and people development background. As a human performance consultant, the focus of his work is on helping leaders create new thinking, reengage their employees, jumpstart performance, and maximize their results. In his work with corporate clients, Paul uses neuroscience-based models, relevant coaching structures, and appropriate strategic planning tools and assessments to help his clients identify, clarify, and move towards their mission-critical goals. Paul is known for his unique blend of integrity, intelligence, and humor. He quickly establishes rapport and a trusting environment with clients. Paul’s experience, knowledge, and natural passion for connecting with people provide clients with a comfortably challenging yet powerful working relationship and learning experience.

Paul has worked on a variety of projects across a variety of industries with clients including Accenture, American Express, Coca Cola, CVS Caremark, DE Shaw, eBay, FedEx, Genentech, John Deere, Ericsson, Humana, Microsoft, Motorola, Nokia Siemens Network, Northrop Grumman, Pfizer, Prudential Inc., Stanford University, Starbucks, Time Warner, and The Walt Disney Company and has spoken at numerous conferences as keynote or presenter.

Paul holds a Masters degree in Human Resources Management & Labor Relations; completed a Certificate in the Neuroscience of Leadership (2012); is an ICF Professional Certified Coach (applying for his ICF Master Certified Coach credential); served as President (2008, 2009) and Past President (2010-2011) of the Long Island Coaching Alliance-ICF Chapter; is a Results Professional Certified Coach (RPCC); a NeuroLeadership Group Coach Trainer, Mentor Coach, and Coach Assessor; was selected NLG Trainer of the Year (2011-2012); is a TAB-certified Strategic Business Leadership® Coach; a former business blogger for the NY Enterprise Report; and sits on the Advisory Board of Long Island University’s Paralegal Studies program.

Paul is a published writer, marathon runner, triathlete, proud uncle, and lives outside New York City on Long Island with his wife, Tricia, and their son, Christopher (and Pedro the cat).

Read more

What’s Your Focus?!

I recently offered a workshop based on the Law of Attraction. I was motivated (you might even say, compelled) to offer the workshop by a personal sense to do something positive in the midst of so much negative news.

Several responses to my offering were along the lines of, “I didn’t know you were going in that direction.”

I thought, “What direction?!”

In hindsight, I can understand any confusion I may have caused.

You see, as a business owner, I am not moving in any new direction. My focus is and has always been helping people to identify — focus on — their most important goals (in life or at work) and to create a space in which to do the work necessary to bring those goals to fruition. It is not easy work for the client (or sometimes for me), but it is extremely rewarding work.

One of the inherent beliefs at work in my coaching is the belief that each client has untapped potential. I look for this potential from the very first call or meeting. I believe 100% in the possibilities that exist within my clients. This belief is predicated on great faith and on the practically unlimited thinking power of our individual and unique brains.

The workshop was simply an extension of my business approach and values.

If you’re interested in the workshop or finding out more about how you can use coaching in your personal or professional life, call me at 516.216.4233 or send me an email and I’ll be happy to answer your questions or discuss your current challenges.

B Obama 1

"The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to choose our better history; to carry forward that precious gift, that noble idea, passed on from generation to generation: the God-given promise that all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness." ~Barack Obama, 44th President of the United States of America