Send the Entire Message

What’s so difficult about communication? Lots!

From a brain perspective, every person thinks differently, so the words and gestures that we hear/see/interpret during a conversation are filtered through an intricate system of beliefs and mental maps that give meaning to the messages you send and I receive. To complicate matters, the way many people receive and deliver their messages nowadays is more and more electronic. I probably email back and forth with my friends and colleagues more than I actually speak with them (did I just write that?!). I also rely on the web to find information about people and businesses that interest me. And let’s not forgot "Crackberries."

So what’s the catch?

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What’s Wrong with My Goals?

This article continues my focus on Goals, a topic I presented in the Winter 2007 News-you-can-use-letter (see Coach’s Corner) and I recently wrote about on my personal blog.

One of the primary reasons people don’t achieve their goals is because they are not truly connected to them. By this I mean, there is not a strong enough emotional attachment to achieving the goal to generate the needed motivation and discipline for success. It is probably a good goal, it might be stated correctly, it may even BE achievable — but you’re not likely to achieve it if it is not something you absolutely MUST achieve or accomplish before you die.

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